Office Space…

June 21, 2007 at 9:29 am (Uncategorized)

Its disgusting.  Every morning I get up at 07:00AM, flip the Australian government issued egg timer to enjoy a four minute shower, dress up like a fool, read someone else’s book from over their shoulder on the 08:06AM train, walk three minutes to the office and spend the following eight hours in my cubicle typing names, locations and dates into a computer.  The only art I see is the framed motivational poster above me that says “LEADERSHIP” in large dominating letters.  If I stand up and look over my padded carpet wall I see another that says “CHALLENGE”.

Why would anyone design a working environment like this?  As a buzzy little bee, I don’t feel inspired.  Wheres the party hats I say! How do people cope?!

1 Comment

  1. ashleycobb21990 said,

    bolau00f1o est un u00e9crivain obsu00e9du00e9, enfin c’est comme u00e7a que je le vois, me l’explique, par le mal, la possibilitu00e9 du mal, le mal u Click

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